We regularly conduct testing of our product for the presence of heavy metals, pesticides and PCB’s. Although usually present in farmed fish, wild Alaskan salmon continually test free, one more reason why farmed Atlantic salmon oil must go through molecular distillation. Another benefit of Alaskan salmon is that the State of Alaska also regularly tests for heavy metals, pesticides and PCB’s and you can find their results online.
The Cook Inlet region of South-central Alaska near Anchorage is the most populated in the state. Studies performed for the U.S. Minerals Management Service report that Cook Inlet’s waters and sediments are remarkably free of hydrocarbons and metals. One of the research teams, University of Alaska’s Environmental and Natural Resources Institute, said “The physical, chemical, and bioassay results of this study show that Cook Inlet has very low environmental concentrations of hydrocarbons, and that sediments and water are generally free from toxicity. Results also show no immediate evidence of heavy metal pollution in Cook Inlet.”